Nigerian Chin Chin

Nigerian Chin chin Crunchy Recipe

Nigerian chin chin preparation process photos cutting into desired sizes

Cut and Fried Nigerian chinchin

Nigerian chin chin is a very popular street snack across Nigeria, it’s made from basic combination of flour, milk and sugar. There are other optional ingredients like egg, baking powder and nutmeg, these are based on preference.

Typically, it can be either hard or crunchy. This recipe is a fine medium between the two. If you would prefer your final product to be much harder, omit baking power, do not use egg and add 1/2 cup more flour.

Depending on the level of sweetness that you prefer, you can adjust the sugar up or down. My personal preference is mid sweet with a tone of savoury. this is what is accomplished with the recipe.

Play with the shapes as you desire. The shape shown in the recipe is the traditional cube shape. You can make these into any fun shapes you desire including long rods, circles etc.

This recipe makes about 3 jars of chin chin, If you need to make two or four times the amount, you can simply double or quadruple the recipe.


Chin Chin Recipe


  • 3 cups flour (375 grams)
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • Pinch of nutmeg
  • 1/2 cup sugar (100 grams)
  • 1/2 cup baking margarineย  (115 grams)
  • 1/2 to 2/3 cup liquid milk or water
  • 1 egg (optional. use if you want soft chinchin)
  • Oil for frying

ย Direction

  • Combine flour, baking powder and sugar in a bowl. Slice in margarineย  and mix until well incorporated (it should look like breadcrumbs)

Nigerian Chinchin process butter cut into flour Butter mixed into flour chin chin making process

  • Crack in egg. mix
  • gently add water into flour mix untilย  you have a slightly stretchy but not sticky dough (do not add too much water at once)

Chin Chin dough ready for rolling

  • Roll out the dough on a flat surface, cut into desired shapes

Chin Chin dough Cut into shapes

  • Set the oil on medium heat, wait until the oil is hot.ย  Fry the shaped dough a batch at a time until golden brown


For a healthier alternative, Check ย out our whole wheat chin chin recipe


Non fried Chin Chin baked chinchin option